Evaluation and the European Management of Knowledge

Valeria Pinto


A new dawn of boundless development is imagined at the beginning of the Millennium. The aim of the Lisbon Strategy is to turn the European Union, by 2010, into “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion”. This transformation has been planned for long time since the fall of the Berlin wall (see Jacques Delors White Paper) and it is now turned into action through an explicit planning: the mutation of society in knowledge society and of knowledge in a strategic resource of a brand new neoliberal Europe, by a “third way” centered on the concepts of workfare, active social state and inclusion. In order to face these new challenges properly, it is necessary “to make the education and training systems of the European Union a world quality reference by 2010”. The construction of an “European Research and Innovation Area” is a mandatory pre-condition of the project...

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Department of Law - University of Perugia
Via Pascoli, 33 - 06123 Perugia (PG) -  Telephone 075.5852401 
Comparative Law Review is registered at the Courthouse of Monza (Italy) - Nr. 1988 - May, 10th 2010.
Editors - Prof. Giovanni Marini, Prof. Pier Giuseppe Monateri, Prof. Tommaso Edoardo Frosini, Prof. Salvatore Sica, Prof. Alessandro Somma, Prof. Giuseppe Franco Ferrari, Prof. Massimiliano Granieri.

Direttore responsabile:Alessandro Somma